Lost Found



Thanks to: Iba-san, Kobori-chan, Kimura-san,
Sugiyama-san, Asaoka-san, Yama-chan, Nakagawa-san,
Kanematsu-san, and all the designers I have had.

Generator campaign for consumers, magazine, 1989;
Take charge of domestic and foreign campaigns of HONDA, such as generators, snowplows, agriculture-machines. From report on HONDA laboratories to concept-make and make presentations for ad plans internally. Then, copywrite for TV commercials, radio commercials, newspaper advertisements, magazine advertisements, traffic advertisements, posters, catalogues, direct mail, leaflets, point of purchase advertisements, and a calendar. Also, plan some store events.
Tiller campaign, magazine, 1990:
Concept-make, Copywrite.
Hotel wedding advertisement, magazine, 1991:
Creative-direct, Copy-direct and Copywrite for NIHON-VIEW-HOTELS. From naming of merchandise to newspaper advertising, magazine advertising, traffic advertising, posters, pamphlets, direct mail, leaflets and so on.
Bond DM, monthly, 1991:
Plan generating concept, Creative-direct and Copywrite for former NIHON-KOGYO-BANK.
Plan and produce fair plans of HONDA dealer channels, PRIMO, CLIO and VERNO, in addition to newspaper advertisements and all kinds of their sales promotion tools:
Dealer DM campaign, 1994

Plan, Copywrite, Creative-direct, Art-direct, sometimes shooting for public relations and advertisements of local public offices and enterprises. Won the competition for '99 HAMAMATSU INDUSTRIAL FAIR campaign.

Tipped saw blade campaign, leaflet, 2001: Took charge of creative directing, planning, art directing and copywriting.